Packing the Perfect Diaper Bag

There are few things worse then needing something from your diaper bag only to find that you forgot to pack it. We have compiled a checklist of all the essentials you will need when you are out and about.

As a parent you quickly learn that being prepared and thinking ahead is key to having things run smoothly. Having a well packed diaper bag is a life saver. The exact items in your bag will depend on baby’s age, how long you will be out and your own preferences.

The Diaper Bag Essential List

Everything you will need to pack when you and your little one go mobile.

The List

  • 2-3diapersdiapers
  • 1bottle of milkbottle of milk
  • 2snackssnacks
  • 1sippy cup watersippy cup water
  • 1portable changing padportable changing pad
  • 1pack of disposable wipespack of disposable wipes
  • 2-3plastic bagsplastic bags
  • 1diaper rash ointmentdiaper rash ointment
  • 1bib | burping clothbib | burping cloth
  • 1hand sanitizerhand sanitizer
  • 1baby personal care kit (nail clipper, comb, emery board)baby personal care kit (nail clipper, comb, emery board)
  • 1change of clothes for babychange of clothes for baby
  • 1hat for babyhat for baby
  • 2-3baby toysbaby toys
  • 1pacifierpacifier
  • 1sunscreensunscreen
  • 1blanketblanket
  • 1emergency informationemergency information
  • 1first-aid kitfirst-aid kit
  • 1baby Tylenol or ibuprofenbaby Tylenol or ibuprofen
  • 1change of shirt and pantschange of shirt and pants
  • 1teething ring (if teething)teething ring (if teething)

If Breastfeeding

  • 1nursing covernursing cover
  • 4breast padsbreast pads


The Diaper Bag Essentials List

You can have a checklist handy so when you are taking your show on the road you won’t forget a thing

Get the Checklist

Additional Considerations

No matter hard you try somethings that just will not fit in your diaper bag. This is when a Diaper Caddy for your car is something to consider.


Just like a diaper caddy for your changing table a diaper caddy for your car makes it much easier by keeping everything you might need organized and on hand. In some ways it is like a back-up diaper bag as you should have almost everything in your diaper bag repeated here but there are some other things to add.

Additional things for the diaper caddy:

  • Spray Cleaner & Paper towels
  • Extra clothing & shoes
  • Water
  • Throw Blanket
  • Towel
  • Nonperishable snacks
  • Umbrella for rain or sun
  • Swim Diapers
  • Baby plate and untenils
  • Litte storage containers
  • Trash Bag
  • Pen & Paper

Some of Our Favorites

Munchkin Diaper Caddy

MunchkinDiaper Caddy

Planet Wise Wet Bag

Planet WiseWet Bag

Skip Hop Diaper Caddy

Skip HopDiaper Caddy

We would love to hear if there is something special you pack in your diaper bag or what is your must have diaper bag product.

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